Good to get out on the hills again this evening to make the most of the last of the light evenings. Clocks go back tomorrow. A steady recovery walk up Kakepuku. I forgot to take my phone so missed out on the stunning views from atop Kakepuku. Managed to snap a sunny shot from a moving car on the way home (I wasn’t driving!) so made it look better using Prisma.
Rā 89, Rāpare 30 o Poutū-te-rangi 2017
A long day today. Meetings started at 8.00am and the day finished with an ‘unconference’ at Hamilton Junior High School. Enjoyed chatting to old friends and meeting new ones and sharing ideas.
Managed to get to Craft just in Timetime for 3BT! I like this photo of Nigel even though his eyes are closed.
Rā 88, Rāapa 29 o Poutū-te-rangi 2017
Our washing machine has broken. Throwback to happy student days sitting in the launderette keeping warm! I took Aonghas – important rite of passage learning how to wash in a launderette!
Rā 87, Rātu 28 o Poutū-te-rangi 2017
Having fun with the photographer. No photo today so just choosing a favourite from the weekend