
Rā 25, Rāapa 25 o Kohitātea 2017

Wow! Nearly the end of the first month already!  Work has gained momentum as schools go back so photos were thinking on the ground today. I could show you the pan with burnt on pasta swirls that I came back to this afternoon…or the 4 Minion shoe bags I made this evening for our Oxfam trail walker team.

I think the pasta is funnier, sorry Gus! Quite artistic too!

Rā 3, Rātu 3 o Kohitātea 2017

Back out on the trails today! Bit of a gnarly one – a hard won 15km over rooty, undulating terrain. ‘Costa Rican flat’ as a young trekking guide told us in CR a couple of years ago!! 

Loved it! As the rain came in later in the afternoon the bush was almost ethereal with a mixture of steam and cloud. It reminded me a bit of the Costa Rican rainforest. 

Rā 330 Rāmere 25 o Whiringa-ā-rangi

Manic work day today – admin catch up and then rush to get facilitator profile written.  Fabulous Friday Fundraiser for Oxfam this evening so quickly made a batch of cheese straws before a handful of ladies arrived. Jazzy tights, Aloe Vera health products and Tupperware all for sale.  Oh, and my cushions too. A pleasant and productive evening with a few glasses of beer!

Rā 284, Rāhina 10 o Whiringa-ā-nuku

It must be time for another Oxfam plug. Yes, I’m officially mad and will be walking 100km with my equally crazy friends and teammates on March 25th 2017. We have started training and fund raising. Check out and ‘like’ our Facebook page and our Oxfam page. 

As one way of fund raising I am recycling old blankets and turning them into cushions.  These are my first efforts. How much would you pay for one? Any old blankets gratefully received…