
Week 25: Technical Starburst

When shooting into the sun or other light sources, you may notice that some of your images have a unique quality to the light – this is known as a “starburst” effect. This can create a very strong focal point and add an entirely new dimension of interest to your image.

Just like the edge cut sun challenge, I found this one difficult. I really need to spend some time reading up about the technicalities around taking these sorts of photos…and maybe actually get my SLR out rather than just using my phone. But I am an opportunist photographer, and carrying my heavy camera round is not really an option!

Given that I am mainly out and about during the day, starburst opportunities usually involve the sun. This is late afternoon on a winter’s day at Rotorua, looking through the Manuka trees at the lake.

Sunburst through Manuka Trees on a winter afternoon

I love moonlight too but it is so difficult to capture. This was a beautiful full moon reflecting in Lake Ngaroto one evening. So bright that when I tried to get a photo I just got this starburst. You can just see the lake and treeline between the two ‘stars’.


This one doesn’t provide a focal point but I love the effect of the lights in this concert. This is Salmonella Dub playing at The Factory in Hamilton.

lights forming a starburst at a concert over a stage. The band can be seen behind the lights and concert attendees as silhouettes in the foreground

Rā 31, Rātu 31 o Kohitātea 2017

Back to work! I love long weekends, that extra day makes all the difference especially when you get away somewhere and escape!

I had a great session working with a group of teachers today, though. Lots of good conversations and hopefully they gained plenty from it to move forwards.

Dropped my hire car off in town and walked back home along the river to get some fresh air and stretch my legs.  Interesting to compare the rail bridge and the road bridge – different eras, different materials.
