Day 180 June 28th 2016

It was a grey day today. A day spent at the computer working, and no inclination to head outside really into the greyness!

I am trying to learn Te Reo and today I had a chance to catch up a bit and as I was practising  and working out ways to remember vocabulary, I found these images.

Kei te pēhea koe? How are you feeling?

Kei te whakahīhī ahau. I am feeling proud.

Proud that I am having a go and learning – slowly, but learning!

kupu - feelings

Day 176 June 24th 2016

A bleak day for Britain and Europe. We are numb,  shocked,  in disbelief. How could this come to pass?  As the results unfolded it was clear that there was a clear divide in the country geographically, demographically and by age. Who knows what lies ahead… but whatever it is there are huge changes ahead.  Maybe this will be the catalyst for the young to take an interest in politics, to take control, a new order…



Day 173 June 21st 2016

A day’s leave today and I went to Rosehill College with the Hillcrest High School sports teams to support them at the annual sports exchange.  A productive day out with HHS retaining the shield.  I was essentially there with the hockey team but it could also be counted as my first official duty as a BOT member!  This photo is the 1st XI boys doing a selfie (grelfie!?) to send to one of the players who had just had his appendix out!  6-1 win
