Week 11: Negative Space

This is not a technique I employ often. Most of my photos are full of colour and I tend to focus in or crop my photos. I like the simplicity of isolating a subject and giving it space to stand out. Having said that, I struggled to find opportunities to make it work! Here are a couple, at least.

The first is in Hamilton airport. I waa sitting at the table hacking a coffee and liked the space the table created but also how it connected to the person waiting at the other end of the lounge.

I took this one as we ate lunch on the beach at Foxton. The seagulls were circling waiting for scraps.

Week 10: colour splash

I have downloaded an app to help me with this challenge. I really should start editing on my computer using Gimp but I’m intrinsically lazy. To do that I would need to make more of an effort. I am also madly busy at the moment with work and at the end of the day I don’t really want to sit at my computer again!

The challenge here was picking photos that had an interesting focus. Something that drew my eye. I’m still on the lookout as I am out and about but these are the offerings so far. Which is your pick?

Labrador sitting waiting outside a pub in the street. Tall buildings in the background.

Two boys reading a picture book.

Woodland with dark trees, sun  light shining through on to bright pink flowers in middle of image.