Week 23: No Peeking!

Week 23: Vision: No Peeking

Shoot as if you were using a film camera. That means that you will not look at the photographs you’ve taken until they are downloaded on your computer.

Vision: This category is designed to push you to go beyond sight, to insight; to take inspiration and make it a reality. Vision exists in your imagination and is revealed your photographs; expressing something otherwise invisible. Developing a Vision for your work is showing to others what you see in your mind’s eye.

Given that I mainly use my phone for taking photos, this was difficult – the temptation to look is just too much!

So, here are a couple of interpretations of this week’s theme;

1. One of the activities I get teachers to do as part of a workshop about the Digital Technologies Curriculum, is a lego challenge. In pairs, they choose the same 5 lego pieces – colour, shape etc. Then sit back to back so they can’t see each other. One person creates a model with their 5 pieces and then has to give the instructions for the other to complete the same model. It is a fascinating thing to observe – they don’t always come out with the same model!

three images showing two people sitting back to back making a model with lego pieces. one image shows two models the same, the other shows two completely different models

2. The second image is probably more consistent with the intended idea. As I was driving through along the Forgotten Highway one misty morning, the light was beautiful. Clouds hanging in the valleys with the morning sun threatening to break through. I decided to pull in and try to get a photo. As I walked along the fence line I like the look of the raindrops on the barbed wire and thought that would make a cool photo. Then I noticed the spider’s web. The loght was shining directly into my face and I really had no idea if I had captured it or not. Given that I was on the road, I couldn’t look at it until I got home that evening. Pretty pleased with the result.

spider's web spun between barbed wire fencing against a lush green field and misty sky

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