Day 51 February 20th 2016

The Great Lake Relay is an annual event in Taupo in which teams of between 10 and 18 people run 155 km  around Lake Taupo. This is the third time I have been part of a team.  Each time there are some core people so there is some familiarity but it is the different faces that make each iteration so unique and enjoyable.  Here is this year’s team about to set off at 2am.


Whereas in previous years we have made it round in well under the allocated 16hrs, this year we were sailing close.  However, everyone pulled together and gave of their best. It was a real team effort and the final few minutes certainly got the adrenalin flowing. Ten exhausted but elated team members with a great sense of achievement so I have cheated and also included the photo at the end of the race.


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