
Rā 91, Rāhoroi 1 o Paengawhāwhā

Another year. Another birthday. It was lovely to spend time with my boys today. Coffee with Nigel and Gus this morning (Lachlan was working) and dinner as a whole family this evening.  The only full family photo was a not very good selfie so today’s photo of the day is me and my big son because I don’t see him half as much as I want to now! 

Day 129 May 8th 2016

Mothers’ Day
Love my boys and proud of them too.  Planned a Mothers’ Day meal but Lachlan couldn’t stay because he needed to take a friend to hospital who had been assaulted. Disappointed he wasn’t with us but proud that he looks after his mates.  Looking forward to tomorrow when we’ll get together again. This was breakfast outside in the garden this morning.
