
Rā 99 Rātapu 9 o Paengawhāwhā

We woke up to a beautiful morning in Eskdale. Clear blue sky, warm sunshine though just a wee nip in the breeze to remind us that it’s really autumn.  It’s a shame that the numpties in the car on the other side of the campsite started their engine and shone their headlights into our tent at some ungodly of the morning and woke us up! 

Leisurely breakfast, pack up and the long drive home.  Great weekend. 

Day 161 June 9th 2016

Didn’t sleep well and woke up far earlier than I had intended so went for a walk down to the beach. What a glorious sunrise.


Next stop: Gisborne. Yesterday we drove through beautiful countryside to Gisborne. I really will have to come back and explore this area more. Lytton High School made us extremely welcome at their staff meeting and we had some great discussions after our “eduignite” style presentations.

Day 160 June 8th 2016

I was quite nervous doing my first keynote presentation for the CLA in Napier; fortunately I could use the cold as an excuse for my legs shaking!

It was good to get up high after a day inside working and make the most of the last hour or so of sunlight.  The Bluff Hill Lookout enclosures are built on the remnants of two World War II gun emplacements and there is a stunning view all around. Looking down at the container port made me think of our own container that we brought out 8 years ago – all our world in a metal box shipped across the oceans. At the end of the day, it’s just stuff – our world is our family and friends on both sides of the globe.  But stuff also triggers memories. I wonder as I get older how I will hold all those memories in my head – what is the “stuff” I would choose to keep to rekindle deeply hidden memories?  I think it would be my photos.
