
Rā 265 Rātapu 24 o Mahuru

It’s my little sister’s 50th birthday today. I am sad that I can’t be there to celebrate with her but I know my other sisters have planned a great party for her. When she was born 50 yrs ago the Drs suggested to my Mum that she should put her straight into a home, that she would be a burden, that she would never walk, talk or be able to look after herself. 50 yrs later our little Steph is married, she has a job, she lives independently albeit with some social services care and she is happy. This is Stephanie on her wedding day 9 years ago.

Rā 91, Rāhoroi 1 o Paengawhāwhā

Another year. Another birthday. It was lovely to spend time with my boys today. Coffee with Nigel and Gus this morning (Lachlan was working) and dinner as a whole family this evening.  The only full family photo was a not very good selfie so today’s photo of the day is me and my big son because I don’t see him half as much as I want to now! 

Rā 282, Rāhoroi 8 o Whiringa-ā-nuku

A day spent in the garden doing a major tidy up so we can plant some veggies. It was good to free the flowers from the weeds and let them display their glory. Fruit trees are blossoming and we have a wee globe artichoke!

We also belatedly celebrated Aonghas’ birthday at our favourite Italian restaurant. I am not allowed to post photos publicly of Aonghas so today’s photo is one from the garden!