Hockey season has started which means morning walks around the lake. It is dark when I set off and the birds are just waking up. By the time I got round the pigeons which had been gently cooing were flitting around, I had heard the geese fly over honking loudly and land in the middle of the lake before floating serenely to the bank. Today, as well as the usual pukeko, ducks and moorhens I saw a solitary grey heron and a couple of white spoonbills. Difficult to get in-focus shots of moving birds in the mist but I like this one of the heron. Interesting any which way round.
Day 20 January 20th 2016
Love the summer and Lake Rotoroa in Hamilton is a gem in the city. So many families, couples, friends of all ages walking, running, chatting, laughing, sailing on a summer evening at the lake.
Oh, and these wee cuties too! All the ducky birds out in force. The moorhen mummy was viciously defending her brood as I took photos. Never heard a moorhen hiss before! Couldn’t choose so cheated and made a collage!
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