Kei te ako te reo māori ahau. This week we have been looking at kiwaka or sayings. This one is used to call someone out when they are lying but in a reasonably polite way. It means ‘you are the descendant of liars’. I created this image which I think is quite apposite given the political environment!
Rā 231, Rāpare, 18 o Here-turi-kōkā
Just pondering today about leadership and the language of leading change… I recently read an article that talked about following being a voluntary act which made me consider how important leading change was. We cannot make people change unless they believe in the purpose of change. And to foster belief we have to believe in our own dreams and model the practice ourselves. I have also been grappling with learning Te Reo and one of the intricacies of the language is the pronouns.
Both mātou and tātou mean ‘we’ but mātou is used when we doesn’t include the person /s being addressed ie we three but not you two as well. Tātou includes everyone. For me this is the essence of leading change, get rid of the ‘we’ and ‘you’ or the ‘them’and ‘us’. We’re all in this waka together.
Ra 201, Rātū, 19 o Hōnongoi 2016
Day 180 June 28th 2016
It was a grey day today. A day spent at the computer working, and no inclination to head outside really into the greyness!
I am trying to learn Te Reo and today I had a chance to catch up a bit and as I was practising and working out ways to remember vocabulary, I found these images.
Kei te pēhea koe? How are you feeling?
Kei te whakahīhī ahau. I am feeling proud.
Proud that I am having a go and learning – slowly, but learning!