It rained today. I mean it really rained. Not just a shower but full on stair rods, cats and dogs, persisting, really persisting, it bucketed down, estaba lloviendo a cántaros, il pleuvait des cordes, il pleuvait des seaux d’eau… and there was thunder and lightning. I love storms, real ones, especially when I’m safe and warm inside. But I have been known just to stand out in the rain and let the sweet rain drench me. The best storms we ever watched were from our tent in the Jura, France. Violent and beautiful and terrible electrical storms, everyday for two weeks mid afternoon. Forked lightning that split the sky. Cleared the air, freshened the atmosphere and left us to an evening under the stars and two highly charged children! We had a narrow escape too…but that’s another story.
Anyway, I took some video of the lightning lightening the sky…and Aonghas practising his guitar.